#Registered and Licensed Clubs Award Changes

Across Australia, minimum wage and superannuation changes came into effect on the 1st of July 2022. However, for some awards which includes the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award, the changes come into effect on 1st of October 2022. We first wrote about this back in July with our National Minimum Wage & Superannuation Changes article.

It's worth noting that the increase is applied to the first full pay period after 1st of October. So if you have a new pay period start on 29th September which finished on 12th of October. You would need to increase your impacted wages on the 13th of October.

#What's this mean for ClubsHR?

Out of the box, ClubsHR has compliant and up-to-date award interpretation for the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award. So, unless you have created custom pay templates for staff on EBA's, there is nothing you need to do in ClubsHR. However, it's essential to speak to your accountant and the team at ClubsNSW to ensure your payroll software is kept up to date.

NOTE: ClubsHR doesn't send any financial information to your payroll software. This is because we believe your payroll software should be your point of truth. This prevents erroneous updates made in ClubsHR from being pushed to your payroll software and overwriting the correct rates or financial information.

#So, what do I need to do?

In ClubsHR, nothing. We have you covered with a compliant award for ClubsNSW. If you have created any custom pay templates that are outside what we have provided you, you will need to speak with an accountant, and you're welcome to reach out to us to assist you in updating your templates accordingly.

In your payroll software, you or your accountant should be reviewing all your impacted staff concerning the minimum wage and making the required updates accordingly.

#What has changed?

NOTE: Any information provided by ClubsHR around minimum wages and the increase in superannuation is provided in a general nature and should not be relied upon. You should speak to your accountant or other qualified persons if you need any advice on the changes.

#How does this look for Clubs?

  1. Classification levels Introductory – Level 4 will receive an increase of $40 per week.

  2. Classification levels 5 – 13 will receive an increase of 4.6%.

Clubs Award increase – effective 1 October 2022
Introductory Level 5.2%
Level 1 5.0%
Level 2 4.8%
Level 3 4.7%
Level 4 (tradesperson) 4.6%
Level 5 - 13 4.6%

To read more, ClubsNSW has a Circular in the member portal: https://www.clubsnsw.com.au/Resources/Publications/Circulars/2022/22-076 (Requires a login)

The information above is sourced from Fairwork Australia. A direct link to the award is here.